Kansas Made -- Kansas Grown

Seven Shep by Mark Schmidt

$9.95 each 9780988534070

Seven Shep by Mark Schmidt

Seven Shep is so full of pep. Puppy pep in every step. He runs and runs. Monkey Moe throws. Shep will catch it. He goes, goes, goes. Shep loves to play and play, play, play. Run. Catch. Run. Catch every which way. But Shep gets old. Moe hears him say, "I need a break. Let's rest today." "What did Shep say?!," Monkey Moe yelps. Moe must find out and...

  • This item is approximately 8 1/2" x 1/8" x 11"
  • 48 Pages
  • Eric J. Carter illustrated
  • Not Dan - Writer
  • Made in Kansas