Kansas Made -- Kansas Grown

A Great Plains Reader

$39.99 each 9780803288539

A Great Plains Reader

The Great Plains are as rich and integral a part of American literature as they are of the North American landscape. In this volume the stories, poems, and essays that have described, celebrated, and defined the region evoke the world of the American prairie from the first recorded days of Native history to the realities of life on a present-day reservation, from the arrival of European explorers to the experience of early settlers, from the splendor of the vast and rolling grasslands to the devastation of the Dust Bowl. Several essays look to the future and explore changes that would embolden the people of the plains to continue to call home this place they have learned to value in spite of its persistent challenges.

  • 730 Pages
  • Artists: Diane D. Quantic P. Jane Hafen